1960 | Born in Yamaguchi, Japan. |
1986 | Graduated from Sculpture Department of Kanazawa College of Graduate School. |
1991 | The Nagato City Arts&Culture Encouragement Award. |
1998 | The Yamaguchi Prefecture Arts&Culture Encouragement Award. |
1999 | Granted the 1999-2000 Fellowship to study in Europe under the Japanese Government Overseas Study Programme for Artists. |
2005 | Fine arts prize of Energia Award. |
2010 | The 37th Nagano City Open-air Sculpture Award. |
Solo Exhibitions
1990 | Bunkajaya,Osaka , Japan. |
1992 | Art Space Baku,Fukuoka, Japan. Fukuoka City Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan. |
1993 | Ban Gallery, Osaka, Japan. |
1998 | Honchoukurabu, yamaguchi, Japan. Kikugawa Gallery, Yamaguchi, Japan. |
1999 | Padan padan, Barcelona, Spain. |
2000 | Marine Museum , Vilassar de Mar, Spain. |
2001 | Art Gallery Tapies, Koube, Japan. (’03, ’06) |
2004 | Runessa Nagato, Yamaguchi, Japan. |
2005 | Salanoa, Barcelona, Spain. |
2006 | Gallery La seine, Yamaguchi, Japan. |
Group Exhibitions / Symposiums (selected)
1981 | Kanazawa Sculpture Exhibition ’81, Isikawa Prefectural Museum of Art. (Exhibited annually until ’90.) |
1982 | The 36th Exhibition of NIKI, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. |
1984 | Yamaguchi Prefeccture Art Exhibition, Yamaguchi PrefecturalArt Museum. (Exhibited annually until ’96 except for ’89,’92.) |
1986 | Three Sculptors Show, Tokiwa Garelly, Tokyo. |
1987 | Memorial Art,Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, IRUMA Memorial Park,Saitama. |
1989 | ’89 Moderm Kyushu Sculpture Exhibition, ISHIBASHI Museum of Art, Fukuoka. (Won The Grand Award) Review Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Exhibition, ’79~’89, After The Reorganization, Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum. |
1990 | Miyazaki Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition ’90, Miyakonojou City Museum of Art, Miyazaki. (also in ’91,’92) |
1991 | RAICHO Show, Ban Gallery, Osaka. Exhibition of Contemporary Sculpture in HYUGA’91, Miyazaki. Sculpture in Town, Kofu-City, Yamanashi. The 12th Han-Setouchi Contemporary Art Exhibition, Okayama Prefectural Culture Center, Okayama. (also in The13th) |
1992 | Stone Sculpture Symposium in KASAOKA’92 OKAYAMA The 2nd KAJIMA Sculpture Contest, Tokyo. (The esquisse was selected, same in The 3rd) |
1993 | “REKISHI NO OKA”Sculpture forum, Muraoka-City, Hyogo. Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition 1993, Kanazawa, Ishikawa. |
1994 | Sculpture Project in yamaguchi Prefecture Seminar park, Ymaguchi. Asian Contemporary Sculpture Meeting, UMI NO NAKAMICHI Sea beach Park, Fukuoka. The Exhibition of Sculptures on the Street, Kurashiki-City Okayama. (The esquisse was selected) |
1995 | Tojo Art document ’95, Tojo – town, Hyogo. Dialogue of Asian Contemporary Sculptures, Taipei Municipal art Museum Taiwan. (Won the purchase Award) Yamaguchi Contemporary marble Sculpture Exhibition, Kagekiyodo-Cavem, Yamaguchi. |
1996 | Contemporary Sculptures by 13 Artists, Umeda Sky Bldg, Osaka. The Exhibition of Open-air Sculpture for International Exhibition, UMI NO NAKAMICHI Sea beach Park, Fukuoka. The 2nd Oita Asian Sculpture Exhibition, Fumio Asakura Museum of Sculpture, Oita. (The esquisse was selected. same in The 3rd) MINE International Marble Sculpture Symposium, Yamaguchi. |
1997 | Ha-Ren International Sculpture Exhibition, Taiwan. The Exhibition of Asian Contemporary Sculpture, Korea. The Stone Rord, Ikeda Sculpture Symposium’97, Osaka. Kagawa Stone Festival’97 Kagawa. TOYAMURA International Sculpture Biennale’97, Hokaido. The 17th Exhibition of Contemporary Japanese Sculpture’97, Ube Ctiy Open-air Museum of Sculpture. (The esquisse was selected.) |
1998 | Symposium of Sculpture in Yonago ’98, Yonago-city, Tottori. The Exhibition of Japanese/Korean Invited Areists, S Gallery, Korea The 15th Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition at the Suma Detachecl Palace Garden. Hyougo (The esquisse was selected) |
1999 | The 18th Exhibition of Contemporary Japanese Sculpture’99, Ube Ctiy Open-air Museum of Sculpture. (The esquisse was selected.) Contemporary Sculpture from Japan, Korea and Taiwan, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts,Taiwan. Sculpture Project of Forty Pillarse, Alsace, France. |
2003 | The 20th Exhibition of Contemporary Japanese Sculpture’03, Ube Ctiy Open-air Museum of Sculpture. (The esquisse was selected.) |
2004 | 7 de Llotja, Tremp, Spain. |
2005 | Symposium of Sculuture in Oberhaslach, Alsace, France. |
2006 | Exhibition DOMANI (Agency for Cultural Affairs) |
2007 | Artist Residency at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, U.S.A. The 22th Exhibition of Contemporary Japanese Sculpture’07, Ube Ctiy Open-air Museum of Sculpture. (Won The second prize Award) |
2008 | The 8nd Oita Asian Sculpture Exhibition, Fumio Asakura Museum of Sculpture, Oita. (Won The second prize Award) |
2009 | The 23th Exhibition of Contemporary Japanese Sculpture’07, Ube Ctiy Open-air Museum of Sculpture. (Won The second prize Award) |
2010 | The 11nd KAJIMA Sculpture Contest, Tokyo. (The esquisse was selected) |
Public Collections (selected)
Japan | ||
Kanazawa College of Art | OnodaCity, Ymaguchi. | Nagato City, Ymaguchi |
Kurume City, Fukuoka. | Ymaguchi Prefecture | Kasaoka City, Okayama. |
Ikeda City, Osaka | Sakai City, Osaka. | Tojo Town,Hyogo |
Uto Ctiy, Kumamoto. | Muraoka Town,Hyogo | Daito City, Osaka. |
Kanazawa City, Ishikawa. | Nagano City, Nagano. |
Foreign countries |
Taipei Municipal Art Museum, Tawan. |
Bethlehem City, Israel. |
Wangenbourg ,Alsace, France. |
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, U.S.A. |